
Legal Information

The www.anses.fr website is managed by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES).

The site is optimised for Edge, Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Publisher Information

French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety

14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie

94701 MAISONS-ALFORT cedex


Tel.: +33 (0)

Publication Director: Benoît Vallet, Director General of ANSES

Director of Communication and Institutional Relations: Sophie Le Quellec 

Website editorial content administrators: Elena Tchirvina-Seité, Isabelle Domain, Audrey Sayaque

Technical administrator: Olivier Cohen

Identification numbers

SIREN: 130 012 024
SIRET: 13001202400183
APE code: 7219Z
Intra-Community VAT number: FR54130012024

Purpose of the site

This site is intended for the scientific community and, in general, any person seeking health & safety information as part of their professional activities or on a personal basis.

It is also intended to present ANSES's various activities.

ANSES cannot be held responsible for the information contained on sites to which there are links on the www.anses.fr website.

ANSES cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect harm of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use, even partial, of the information on this site.

The ANSES website does not accept any form of advertising or receive any funding from advertising.

Data protection policy

ANSES is committed to ensuring that the processing of personal data on the www.anses.fr site complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the French Data Protection Act.

Each of the contact forms available on the website limits the collection of personal data to what is strictly necessary (data minimisation) and is accompanied by information on the following:

  • the controller and the objectives of data collection (purposes);
  • the legal basis of the data processing;
  • the mandatory or optional nature of data collection for the management of your request, and a review of the processed data categories;
  • the categories of persons concerned;
  • the recipients of the data;
  • the data retention period;
  • your rights under the French Data Protection Act and how you can exercise them with the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL).

Data recipients

The data provided are processed by ANSES's competent staff members to respond to your requests; they may also be processed by its subcontractors within the limits of what is strictly necessary for the performance of their services (e.g. organisation of conferences, distribution of newsletters).

Under no circumstances will your data be transmitted or transferred to a third party.

Exercising your rights 

In accordance with the provisions of Article 56 of French Act No 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, files and freedoms, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) to object to the processing of your data.

You can do the same to exercise your right to access, rectify, delete or limit the processing of your data.

To exercise these rights, you may be asked to provide proof of your identity.

Data Protection Officer

For more information about the processing of personal data by ANSES, you can contact ANSES’s Data Protection Officer at the following address:



If you feel that your rights have been infringed by ANSES, you can lodge a complaint with the CNIL. However, we advise you to first contact ANSES's DPO, who is at your disposal for this purpose.


In order to better understand the use and performance of our website and improve its operation (for example, the pages most often consulted, the documents most frequently downloaded, etc.), we use cookie technology.

Cookies are small text files that are deposited on your computer when you visit a site or view an advertisement. Their purpose is to collect information relating to your navigation of the site.

These cookies do not identify you personally; they only identify the browser of your receiving terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.). The data collected only provide anonymous statistics regarding how the site is used (number of pages viewed, number of visits, frequency of return visits, etc.). Once you leave the ANSES website, we do not track your browsing.

The way in which AT Internet collects audience data exempts ANSES from having to obtain your prior consent to the use of these cookies.

However, if you wish, you can disable these cookies in the advanced settings of your browser or by opting out of our AT Internet audience measurement solution. Manage cookies.

For more information about the types of data collected by AT Internet's cookies and its cookie management policy, we invite you to consult its site by clicking on the following link: find out more

For more information about cookies, please refer to the CNIL website: cnil.fr/vos-droits/vos-traces/les-cookies/

Use of data

The information and data on the ANSES website www.anses.fr are public; they can be freely reused, without charge, in accordance with Articles L. 321-1 et seq. of the French Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.  They are protected by the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, by other international conventions and by national laws on copyright and associated rights.

Information and data from the ANSES website can be reused for personal or public purposes, provided that ANSES (and where applicable, the partners associated with the data or information) is mentioned as the source of the information. 

Any reproduction, translation or reuse of the information contained on the ANSES website is subject to the condition that the public information is not altered, its meaning is not distorted and the date of the latest update is indicated.

Therefore, any data or information from the ANSES website must be repeated in full, without any modification or addition and without the addition of advertising; it must be available for downloading free of charge. 

At no time shall the reuse of data, regardless of the media or form, give the impression that ANSES participates in or endorses the action of the user.

The ANSES logo is a registered, protected design whose use is authorised in limited cases. Any use requires a request to be submitted to ANSES via the website's contact form; it can only be granted on formal written authorisation of the Director General of ANSES.

Person responsible for access to administrative documents and questions related to the reuse of public information: Bérénice Renard, Legal Affairs Director. This adress mail can be used: demande.acces@anses.fr.

Establishment of links

Any public or private site, with the exception of sites disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic, sectarian or xenophobic nature, may, without prior authorisation, establish a link to the home page or directly to the information disseminated by the ANSES website. However, under no circumstances shall the pages of the www.anses.fr website be nested inside the pages of another site. The creation of hyperlinks to the content of the site is authorised provided that they are opened in a new window.

In other cases, and particularly:

  • if the site content is to be integrated into the navigation of the requesting site;
  • if access to the pages containing the link to the ANSES website is not free of charge.

A request for authorisation must be submitted to ANSES via the contact form on the website.

ANSES reserves the right to request the removal of a link that it considers does not comply with its editorial policy or may harm its image, without prejudice to any subsequent actions before the competent courts.

For its part, ANSES establishes links only on public websites and shall not be liable for any links towards its own site.

However, if you create a link to the ANSES website, we ask you to inform us via the contact form on the website. 

How to download our work 

Our documents are available in PDF and ZIP (compressed file) formats. You must have the necessary software for downloading them.

Documents in PDF format:  Software for reading .pdf and .zip files


The mention of companies or commercial products does not imply that these companies or commercial products are approved or recommended by ANSES.

Scientific quality of documents

The scientific quality of the documents made available on the ANSES website is guaranteed by experts (Scientific Board, Expert Committees, specialist Scientific Commissions) who validate these documents.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Constitution of 4 October 1958, the language of the Republic is French. 

The text available on this site is written in French and has been translated into English to facilitate the dissemination of scientific information. However, only the French version is legally valid. 

Photo and video credits

ANSES – Department of Communication and Institutional Relations

Gaël Kerbaol, Margaux Lebrun-Fernandez, Bruno Le Hir de Fallois, Gil Lefauconnier, Christophe Lepetit, Alain Vigneron, Guillaume De Roquemaurel, Bertrand Holsnyder, Getty Images, Agence Parimage.

The photos and videos are not free of copyright.

Web credits

The website was developed by JOUVE

Legal notices updated on january 2023.